Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Punk rock bands

1.Punk rock is a rock music genre that developed between 1974 and 1976 in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

2.Various punk rock bands started to be formed and started to produce many of the rock music in their own way,the music was flourished through the world very fast.

3. The punk rock music created a brand new era in the whole world.Punk bands began creating fast, hard-edged music.

4.Typically the songs were short ,aggressive, stripped-down instrumentation, and often political and with anti-establishment lyrics,all the songs were self recorded and motivated.

5.Some of the first bands to ever form and create their music were RAMONES,SEX PISTOLS,etc.the bands were sensational and people loved their music.

6.Punk rock bands often emulate the bare musical structures and arrangements of 1960s.Typical punk rock instrumentation includes one or two electric guitars, an electric bass, and a drum kit, along with vocals.

7. Nowadays, punk rock and punk rock bands are famous through out the world who provide with their own music.Some of the bands these days are GREEN DAY,BLINK182,SUM41,etc. these bands are the most popular in the world and have succeeded very much in the punk world winning the hearts of people all over the world.

8.The punk bands create such music that it created a change in an era.The music and the lyrics were self-motivated and also acted as an challenge to society and the country.The music were about feelings,freedom and the anti-establishment causing a total change in a human being.

9.As the punk bands influenced the people more bands began to form created their own music,Schools,High-schools ,Colleges also form bands and express their music.people started to make goals of being a singer and forming a punk rock band.

10.Punk rock bands have become professionally enhanced and have marked their spots on the international markets.what started as an anti-establishment has become a huge part of the world in society and economy.Punk rock bands have made a irreplaceable spot for them in the world and it is goimg to last forever. 

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